As for me, I know of nothing else but miracles
[Walt Whitman]
I have a carved wooden sign on the wall of my office saying quite simply, Expect a Miracle. I came to know early in my life that miracles are real, and that in every day, miracles appear for us in all our lives. I came to know that when you ask you will receive.
“Our spiritual journey is an experience of remembering that we are love” Gabriele Bernstein writes in The Universe Has Your Back. “The more we embody this truth, the more miracles we will experience. We accept that miracles are a natural part of who we are. And when we live in love, we live a miraculous life.”
I open my heart and my mind to allow the miracles of life to come forward.
I ask that we would all be blessed to embody the spiritual greatness presenting everyday in miraculous ways.