Mind 1 – Connectedness and Guidance
As you are reading this, you are using the skills of your mind, the bountiful gifts of cognitive development, thinking and reasoning. The mind is an organ of the body, housed in the brain, but it is not of the brain. The brain is tissue and matter, a product, which can conduct and transmit messages giving us capabilities. Our mind, the culmination of connectedness, interpretation and instructions seeks to guide our body actively and passively, voluntarily and involuntarily to our highest good.
Infancy opens the mind to receiving limitless information and associated actions. At its base level these are reflexes and response to needs.
Like our body, our mind develops in a progressive and parallel manner, linearly and multi-dimensionally. Eager.
Mind 2 – Creating
You are on a spiritual journey and your life is filled with endless possibility.
Our minds envision and create that which we wish to see and be.
As we set out each day on our path, each step leads us in a direction and each step builds upon all others. Each day has purpose in our life.
No matter where we have traveled we are not far from our life path. All routes lead us back to where we need to be.
Mind 3 – Our Tree of Life
When we come into this world we are born with an internal spiritual design, a blueprint to start us forward in our life journey. “Life Began in a Garden”, with its origins to the parable of Adam and Eve, confirms for us that the bounty of the ethereal garden is available to all within their choosing.
At birth, planted seeds are sown and we emerge as a Tree of Life. Uniquely and individually, the Tree of Life grows in accordance with our development, experiences and expansion, following seven emotional attributes: Love/kindness, Wisdom, Understanding, Discipline, Compassion, Humility, Ambition, Bonding, and Sovereignty/Dignity.
Teachings related to the Tree of Life are found in almost all religions and cultures depicting a bridge between heaven and earth, and spirit and physical being.
Mind 4 – Weeding the Garden
Every garden requires weeding from time to time, certainly at least once a year or perhaps more often with changes that occur within the phases of your lives. Spring, summer and fall provide opportunities to move through your garden with careful eyes and hands to keep all your beds in “order”. Neglecting your weeding grows a garden out of control, where being able to distinguish between plants (that you want) and weeds (that you do not need) very difficult. If left unattended, weeds will actually invade and choke plants, leaving them vulnerable to disease and garden pests.
Weeding is a process of clearing and releasing. It requires conscious effort to look carefully at the true weeds in your life, things that no longer serve you: old habits, beliefs, negativity, judgments, neglect, guilt, and anger.
The question as you walk through your garden, is where do you want to start and what do you feel is most important to clear?
Sometimes we have to start at the edges and slowly work our way in, cautiously reviewing and considering what impedes our path and growth.
Sometimes there is a particular section we’ve been wanting to get to for quite some time, knowing that freeing up that space will help us gain perspective for further understanding.
The weeds pulled from your garden bed will simplify your life.
As you simplify new dimensions to your thinking and creativity are added, and provide freedom in which to explore and enlarge.
Mind 5 – Thoughts are Guiding Messages
All thoughts are divine in origin and as a result we are Divinely Guided through them.
Thoughts are processes of energy transmission, coming to us from many directions; those we create, can relate to, respond to, or those we choose by our own free will to ignore. Regardless of their source, they give insight to our life path and situations we encounter including episodes of challenge and fear.
Being open to listen and receive all thoughts as gifts, frees us to expand our thinking towards the highest good in all situations.
Listen , Believe and be Guided.
Mind 6 – Senses, the Roots of our Emotions
During all of our waking and sleeping hours we are incorporating the gifts of our six senses [sight, touch, smell, hearing, tasting, and intuition – often referred to as our 6th sense] into our thinking. Senses stimulate message pathways throughout our body and mind, eliciting responses on a visceral level and translating them into feelings.
In springtime our senses are heightened with the emergence of the newness of life all around us. Each year it is as if we are experiencing it again for the first time. We can be swept away by the magnitude and dimension of the sensory communications coming forward:
Feeling the garden soil warming and coming alive in our hands as we gently turn it over….
Breathing into a dream state with the smell of laundered sheets dried in the burgeoning sun…..
Listening to rebirth; the sound of “peepers” in the early night by the fringes of the pond.
April is experiencing life at the soul level. Our roots grow deeper into our spiritual self to balance the emotions coming forward, expansion of ourselves as a physical and spiritual being.
Mind 7 – Communication, Expressions of the Physical Being
The mind is a vibrant wellspring of information, ideas, thoughts, and emotions waiting to be discovered and conveyed. We communicate verbally, behaviorally and creatively that which we choose to share and to whom we choose to share it with. The ability to communicate effectively and fully is essential to experiencing balance and harmony in our life, for our wellbeing and the ability to expand and grow as we move through life’s processes. Our words express desires, needs and feelings to create a life of love, the relationship with ourselves and all there is.
The energy of July summer emits a vitality alive in all forms and in all dimensions. Our minds are flooded with visual and auditory cues; flowers in bloom, bees and hummingbirds darting from petal to nectar, the nature choirs of bird songs throughout the day. Mother Earth speaks to us in messages that fill our memory banks, fuel for other seasons.
Mind 8 – Preserving Abundance
Preservation is a conscious act of conserving and protecting oneself from outside forces.
At the peak of summer season, as in all the seasons of our lives, we desire to preserve the things that fill us with joy and that make our lives whole. The mind can become a store of energy we call upon later, reigniting our senses as we once again relive the peace, the beauty, the well-being, and the happiness associated with particular moments, no matter how brief.
The experiences we preserve bring purpose and balance to our lives and produce the sustenance we need for now and tomorrow.
Mind 9 – Pausing to Assess
The heightened energy of summer is waning and in the slower momentum of September there is time to reflect and consider present situations, your feelings and the life you are living. The air is cooler, the sun lower, the days shorter. Look around you and appreciate the day as a point in time. From this current state we can manifest future state, the desires of the heart and mind. Not to hurry, but to savor, as this time of year gifts us with a new start to each day and the time to contemplate it.
Mind 10 – Finding Your Soul Path
As we grow and mature in life there come times when we question where we are headed, or just know deep in our core that there is something MORE for us, something beyond our current reach. It is a feeling of void that won’t go away, and that can’t be filled with our present circumstances. When we listen to the messages coming from spirit we allow guidance and opportunity to flow to us, lifting veils that have obscured our vision.
We choose next steps:
- Go forward in faith and promise to fulfill our purpose
- Remain uncomfortable in our surroundings
- Revert to previous steps that did not bring us what we want
How do we know we are where we belong? From possibilities come openings. Like a road map, your Soul Path is a process of discovery on your life’s journey.
Be open. Listen to your intuition and let your heart speak to you.
Mind 11 – November Messages
The Love of bare November days
Before the coming of the snow…
Robert Frost
November heralds significant changes. The horizontal greyness of a lowered sky, not quite ready. Leafless silhouettes dance in groups and raise their arms in supplication. Do you hear the music of their silence?
Everywhere you look there is transparency. November doesn’t pretend to need to be more.
Mind 12 – Attaching Meaning to Memories
When we experience we sense, feel, perceive, and create a mental snapshot. We store it.
December can be a time when we want to bring the past forward to be relived, re-felt, and rekindled. The meaning we have attached to our memories greatly affects how we live in the present. Expectations of what can occur now may far exceed the reality of what was, and the past can never be recreated in the current. The world is different. We are different. Knowing that nothing is ever the same, but gratefully then, allowing everything to be new. Let your mind be open. Tis the season to Believe.
Mind 13 – Solitude
Winter in its natural state gives us opportunity for solitude and reflection. There is quietness and stillness in each day to allow for expansion of our minds; to explore the vastness within us and the seeming void within the universe. It is a unique experience in which we can truly be present in the moment.
When we listen, our thoughts speak to us with simplicity and clarity, giving clearer understanding. There is a resonance in all we do.
Mind 14 – Moving Past Fear
In order to grow we must enlarge. Steps forward may feel like risks, even if the risk is doing or thinking differently or adapting to change. FEAR is a feeling in the mind, of something not yet real, and in the future. It is only a feeling.
Collectively we know that we are all here on earth to experience and learn from all situations.
In reflecting on past experiences we most often see the benefits they brought to our life, even when they were difficult. Moving forward changes our perceptions and can create new energy to go with confidence!
Mind 15 – Being present
There are so many extraordinary things coming forward in the height of spring! Everywhere we look there is new life and growth, in plants, trees, birds, wildlife and all of nature. This is our time of rebirth.
Being present is an act of consciousness, allowing us to focus on what is important in our lives.
When we make time and take the time to become one with all there is we are facilitating unity in our world and harmony within ourselves. Our life can become renewed in the same way that buds emerge from barren branches. In the same way that the earth propels the tender daffodils upward through the soil, always towards the light.
Observe, be present, and be born again.
Mind 16 – Ripeness
June is vibrant and alive! It’s light filled energy permeates the air we breathe and brings renewed vitality into our being. We are alive too! Spring awakened us with its early buds of April, the tulip and hyacinth, and the tender unfolding apple blossoms in May. And now, awakened in this new vibration, June in its readiness calls to us and desires more, to open and reconfigure into its true self. To be noticed and stand within our power to bring life forward.
To ripen with enlightenment and faith, to be whole as one with all others.
Mind 17 – Circle of Influence
We project our influence consciously or subconsciously out into the universe with communications, behaviors, actions and activities. Our energy initiates responses keeping with the very meaning of the Spiritual Law of Cause and Effect. Whatever we do exists in time and space with no limitations to its outreach.
The mind records and interprets information like a blueprint while the spirit opens and embodies it with loving intention. Our power of influence, outward and inward, creates the state of balance we exist in.
Mind 18 – Balance
Often balance is thought of as a stationary position in which there are equal forces on one side and the other, as if a negative and positive. But experiencing balance is being in continuous movement, like a boat on the ocean swaying with waves. The energy around you are the waves coming forward and you are Divinely created with the ability to center yourself and lean back and forth to ride them and rise above them.
In his book, You Are What You Think, Dr Wayne Dyer tells us that balance … “ is about realigning yourself and all your thoughts so as to create balance between what you desire and how you conduct your life on a daily basis.” Energy waves bring change, conflict, and opportunities.
Balance is our ability to continually center ourselves within our thoughts and desires as they meet the incoming waves of life’s energy.